Scheggia è un piccolo borgo medioevale della provincia di Perugia dove ogni anno si ripete "La Corsa delle Bighe".
Due Bighe con i colori dei due rioni (Rione Borgo in blu fa riferimento al centro storico e Rione Piazza in giallo è tutto ciò che non è Centro Storico) si sfidano in una corsa su due manche, le bighe sono trainate da ragazzi rappresentati dei due borghi.
La giornata inizia al suono delle tamburine e degli sbandieratori, poi prosegue con un giro del borgo con i Caporioni delle due squadre e infine la corsa vera e propria e si conclude con la premiazione che fa il sindaco dal balcone del suo Ufficio in Municipio, simbolicamente il trofeo è alzato dai capitani di entrambe le squadre perché l'importante è esserci e partecipare prima ancora di vincere.
La cosa che più mi ha piacevolmente colpito è nel come i giovani vivano questo evento, con molta partecipazione, con una sana tifoseria che li divide e li affratella al contempo, si fronteggiano, ma sono tutti orgogliosamente di Scheggia, una festa molto piacevole e divertente in un ambiente sano e goliardico ed io ero presente con la fedele macchina fotografica.
Per la cronaca l'edizione del 2024 è stata vinta dal Rione Borgo, ma in realtà il vero vincitore è la città di Scheggia!
Scheggia is a small medieval village in the province of Perugia where "La Corsa delle Chariot" is repeated every year.
Two chariots with the colors of the two districts (Rione Borgo in blue refers to the historic centre and Rione Piazza in yellow is everything that is not the historic centre) compete in a two-round race, the chariots are pulled by boys representing the two villages.
The day begins with the sound of drummers and flag-wavers, then continues with a tour of the village with the leaders of the two teams and finally the actual race and ends with the award ceremony given by the mayor from the balcony of his office in the town hall, symbolically the trophy is raised by the captains of both teams because the important thing is to be there and participate even before winning.
The thing that most pleasantly struck me is how young people experience this event, with a lot of participation, with a healthy fan base that divides them and brings them together at the same time, they face each other, but they are all proud of Scheggia, a very pleasant and fun party in a healthy and fun environment and I was present with my faithful camera.
For the record, the 2024 edition was won by Rione Borgo, but in reality the real winner is the city of Scheggia!
Two chariots with the colors of the two districts (Rione Borgo in blue refers to the historic centre and Rione Piazza in yellow is everything that is not the historic centre) compete in a two-round race, the chariots are pulled by boys representing the two villages.
The day begins with the sound of drummers and flag-wavers, then continues with a tour of the village with the leaders of the two teams and finally the actual race and ends with the award ceremony given by the mayor from the balcony of his office in the town hall, symbolically the trophy is raised by the captains of both teams because the important thing is to be there and participate even before winning.
The thing that most pleasantly struck me is how young people experience this event, with a lot of participation, with a healthy fan base that divides them and brings them together at the same time, they face each other, but they are all proud of Scheggia, a very pleasant and fun party in a healthy and fun environment and I was present with my faithful camera.
For the record, the 2024 edition was won by Rione Borgo, but in reality the real winner is the city of Scheggia!