La pandemia ha cambiato le nostre vite e le nostre abitudine all’improvviso.
In Italia primo anno si è sentita una forte solidarietà, persone che cantavano dai balconi, tricolori che sventolavano dalle finestre, appuntamenti on line … si era uniti da un insolito destino contro un nemico comune e seppur io vivo all’estero in un paese Extra UE ho sentito forte questa energia.
In questo secondo inverno con chiusure a macchia di leopardo, le frontiere chiuse e le persone stanche di rimanere in casa, con il lavoro a distanza, ma sopratutto prive della socialità da troppo tempo sono probabilmente le cause della mancata coesione che avevamo visto l’anno prima e, per me che ho vissuto il momento sempre dall’estero, ho avvertito una forte solitudine interiore ed un isolamento ed immagino che in molti anche in Italia hanno percepito.
Per questo ho pensato di raccontare questo mio stato d’animo come so fare, ovvero con la mia fedele Leica al collo vagando nella mia solitudine fisica e mentale ed oggi ve lo racconto qui.
The pandemic has changed our lives and our habits all of a sudden.
In Italy the first year there was a strong solidarity, people singing from the balconies, tricolors waving from the windows, online appointments ... he was united by an unusual destiny against a common enemy and even though I live abroad in a non-EU country I felt this energy strongly.
In this second winter with patchy closures, closed borders and people tired of staying at home, with remote work, but above all without sociality for too long, are probably the causes of the lack of cohesion that we had seen the year before and for me who lived the moment, always from abroad, I felt a strong inner loneliness and isolation and I imagine that many also in Italy have perceived.
This is why I thought of telling this state of mind of mine as I know how to do, or with my faithful Leica around my neck wandering in my physical and mental solitude and today I will tell you about it here.
In Italy the first year there was a strong solidarity, people singing from the balconies, tricolors waving from the windows, online appointments ... he was united by an unusual destiny against a common enemy and even though I live abroad in a non-EU country I felt this energy strongly.
In this second winter with patchy closures, closed borders and people tired of staying at home, with remote work, but above all without sociality for too long, are probably the causes of the lack of cohesion that we had seen the year before and for me who lived the moment, always from abroad, I felt a strong inner loneliness and isolation and I imagine that many also in Italy have perceived.
This is why I thought of telling this state of mind of mine as I know how to do, or with my faithful Leica around my neck wandering in my physical and mental solitude and today I will tell you about it here.